- Size: 11.5 (L) x 8.2 (W) x 0.7 (D) cm
- Material: PU Leather
- Inspired by
Flowers and Birds of the Four Seasons in the Style of Araki Juppo (Spring) (Detail)
Wu Tai | Ink and colour on silk | Hong Kong Museum of Art Collection
Souvenirs of Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMoA) - HKMoA strives to preserve Chinese cultural treasures and promote Hong Kong art. Its collections include Chinese paintings and calligraphy, Chinese antiques, China trade art and works by Hong Kong artists. The souvenirs bring you to an inspiring world of art.
- 材質:PU合成革
- 靈感來源
仿日人荒木十畝「四季花鳥- 春」(局部)
吳泰 水墨設色絹本 香港藝術館藏品
香港藝術館紀念品系列 – 香港藝術館致力保存中國文化精髓和推廣香港藝術,豐富藏品包括中國書畫、古代文物、中國外銷畫及香港藝術創作。珍貴館藏化成紀念品,讓你細味藝術,啟廸生活。