- Size: 17 (L) x 9 (W) cm
- Feature: Each set comes with 8 envelopes (2 designs x 4 envelopes)
- Style: Food Set / Grow Set / Together Set / Fly Set / Hug Set
-Food set
豐衣足食 - Well clothed and well fed
心想事成 - May your wishes come true
-Grow set
快高長大 - Grow big and tall
笑口常開 - Always happy
-Together set
團團圓圓 - Being all together
豐豐足足 - Abundance
-Fly set
自由飛翔 - Fly freely
常存盼望 - Full of hope
-Hug set
相親相愛 - Love one another
夢想成真 - May your dreams come true
豐衣足食 :原來麵條會串出yum 字!
快高長大 :恐龍一直長高,高過雲了。花朵也盛開了。
自由飛翔 :原來重有好多小動物朋友仔同你一齊飛!
全彩色。 封後有聖經金句。
9x17cm, 120g 書紙