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China’s Great Liberal of the 20th Century – Hu Shih, A Pioneer of Modern China Language 開風氣而爲之師 – 中國偉大的知識分子胡適

Mark O’Neill

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Program on March 15, 2022: China’s Great Liberal of the 20th Century – Hu Shih Founder of Modern Chinese Language

- Binding: Softcover, 240 pages

- Language: English 

- Author: Mark O’Neill

- Publisher: Joint Publishing (HK), 2022

Doctor Hu Shih was the most remarkable Chinese intellectual of the 20th century. He was most notable for pioneering vernacular Chinese which replaced the classical version that had been the written language for many centuries. He delivered lectures at Beijing University and elsewhere, authored 44 books and countless articles, and influenced tens of thousands of Chinese. He promoted family planning, equality for women and freedom of marriage and whether to have children. He said China should solve its many problems through research and analysis, not “isms”. As China’s ambassador in Washington from 1938-42, he was instrumental in persuading President Franklin Roosevelt not to sign a peace agreement with Japan and helping China to win the war.

2022年3月15日中心活動:China’s Great Liberal of the 20th Century – Hu Shih Founder of Modern Chinese Language

- 裝幀:平裝,228頁

- 語言:繁體中文

- 作者:馬克.奧尼爾

- 譯者:程翰

- 出版:三聯書店,2022

