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Colours of Asia 亞洲色彩

The Design Alliance Asia Limited

Regular price $100.00

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-Size: 26.5 (L) x 21.5 (W) x 1.5 (H) cm

-Binding: Softcover, 205 pages

-Language: English and Chinese

-Writer: Subrata Bhowmick, Gentarow Ohmi and Chi-Hsiung Tseng

-Editor: Ashwini Deshpande

-Publisher: The Design Alliance Asia Limited, 2012

-Translation CLS Communication HK Ltd. And Bridge Link Translation Ltd.

The Design Alliance Asia is one of the most extensive collaborative networks of leading designers in Asia with a shared vision of advancing Asian identity as a vital cultural force and a strategic platform for design.

Founded in the year 2000, the network is represented in 13 Asian countries/regions that include China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Laos, Lebanon/Middle East, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

The Design Alliance Asia collaborated with Hong Kong Design Institute and Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee) on Colors of Asia project in 2012-13. Sponsored by CreateHK, the project comprised of an exhibition, student workshops, forum, seminar, research papers and this publication.

亞洲設計連是一個匯聚亞洲頂尖設計師的組織,成立於 2000年,目前由亞洲 13 個國家/地區富代表性並具卓著貢獻的設計師所組成,當中包括中國、香港、印度、印度尼西亞、老撾、黎巴嫩/中東、馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡、韓國、台灣、泰國和越南。亞洲設計連獲邀與香港知專設計學院及香港專業教育學院 (李惠利) 2012-2013 年攜手合作舉辦《亞洲色彩》項目,並由創意香港贊助舉辦展覧、工作坊、論壇、研討會等活動,亦會將這項目的研究成果集結成研究報告及出版本書刊。