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Liu Yang Sculpture

Artspace K

Regular price $19,000.00

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Small-medium scale bronze sculptures by Liu Yang

“Sculpture is not as explosive as other art forms.
Even so, it can be enduring,
Becoming part of your life.
When you are away from it, you will find that
Something is missing in your life.”
—Liu Yang

Contemporary artist Liu Yang
As one of the most active Chinese contemporary sculpture artists in the world, Liu Yang is also a sculptor on the road. During college (1991-1994), Liu once learned from the sculpture teacher in the studio, starting from basic skills such as collecting and mixing clays and mold making. Inspired by his passion for sculpting, Liu began to carve on his own. In 2010, being invited to participate in a symposium in Korea for the first time, the world got to know the sculptor with unique style. After that, he travelled worldwide to join various countries' sculpture symposiums, create sculptures, as well as sharing art and culture. Liu Yang's works span five continents, leaving 76 sculptures in 34 countries and regions, including India, Turkey, Russia, France, Italy, Australia and Brazil. Some of the sculptures have become permanent local cultural heritage that contain the cities' cultural, spiritual, and aesthetic significance. In 2012, Liu established the International Sculpture Symposium Alliance (ISSA), aiming to promote sculpture creation and cultural
interchange internationally. ISSA has become the most influential sculpture organization globally, whose branches are in more than 40 countries.

Liu Yang uses his hands, tools, and materials to create sculptures filled with local cultural customs, resonating with the viewers. Liu stated: “When I create sculptures in one place, I find that local children play in the shadow of my works. They grow with the sculptures. One day, these children may leave their hometown. When they return, everything may look different except those three-dimensional figures.

Sculptures are where the heart and childhood of people lie.” Through sculpture creation, Liu shows the distinctive landscape of the local scenery. These sculptures are city  landmarks as well as carriers of emotion. They are, as Liu perceives, the best memories of the life that he can offer to the local residents.

“Snow Baby” is a permanent display public sculpture at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics symbolizing friendship and the spirit of athletes.

Those bronze sculptures from Liu's "Creatures and Geometry" series with a childlike touch to depict the interactions and emotions between people and the land. Applying bold and unrestrained postures to express happiness and warmth, Liu's sculptures manage to present creatures and geometry with exaggerated proportions, amusing modellings and a minimal yet powerful expression, offering space for vivid imagination and storytelling.

"Under the Tree", “Classmates” and "Say Hello" depict love for family, friends and hometown, conveying Liu's idea for the strong nature of relationships

藝術家劉洋 - 中小型青銅雕塑作品


劉洋,國際上最活躍的中國當代雕塑藝術家之一,也是一位行走的雕塑家。大學時(1991-1994)曾跟著雕塑老師在工作室裡做學徒,從挖泥、和泥、翻模等基礎功夫開始,因為喜歡雕刻,於是他再次拿起雕刻刀開始創作,成為雕物塑家。2010 年,他第一次受邀參加在韓國舉行的一個創作營,讓世界認識這位別具風格的雕塑家。他受邀參加多個國家的創作營,在當地創作雕塑,進行藝術文化交流,開啟了特殊的環球之旅。至今,劉洋的作品版圖遍及五大洲,在多個國家留下足跡,包括印度、土耳其、俄羅斯、法國、意大利、澳洲、巴西等,在 34 個國家和地區完成大型公共雕塑 76 件,部分雕塑則成為當地永久的文化遺產,讓承載著屬於那個時代的文化、情感與美學的作品屹立四方,成為不朽的城市雕塑。2012年,劉洋成立國際雕塑創作營聯盟,促進國際雕塑創作與文化交流,該組織已是國際上最具影響力的雕塑國際組織,分支機構遍布 40 多個國家。





Entrepreneur 創業者
- Edition: 6/16
- Size: 15 (L) x 8 (W) x 20 (H) cm
- Net Weight: 1298 g
- Weight: 1671 g

Classmates 同班同學
- Edition: 3/16
- Size: 10 (L) x 19 (W) x 24 (H) cm
- Net Weight:  2300 g
- Weight: 2673 g 

Say Hello 家門口
- Edition: 6/16
- Size: 13 (L) x 8.5 (W) x 13.5 (H) cm
- Net Weight: 863 g
- Weight: 1237 g

Snow Baby 雪孩子
- Edition: 1/16
- Size: 12.5 (L) x 11 (W) x 24 (H) cm
- Net Weight: 2034 g
- Weight: 2423 g

Under The Tree 大樹下
- Edition: 2/16
- Size: 12 (L) x 9.5 (W) x 19 (H) cm
- Net Weight: 2043 g
- Weight: 2430 g

First Snow 第一場雪
- Edition: 2/16
- Size: 16 (L) x 8 (W) x 12 (H) cm
- Net Weight: 1431 g
- Weight: 1803 g

Companion 同行者
- Edition: 2/16
- Size: 30 (L) x 15 (W) x 20 (H) cm
- Net Weight: 3125 g
- Weight: 3501 g

- Material: Bronze

- Style: Entrepreneur 創業者 / Classmates 同班同學 / Say Hello 家門口 / Snow Baby 雪孩子 / Under The Tree 大樹下 / First Snow 第一場雪 / Companion 同行者

- Package Box Size:  26 (L) x  21 (W) x 21 (H) cm