- Size: 28.6 (L) x 21.1 (W) cm
- Binding: softcover, 172 pages
- Language: English
- Publisher: Orientations Magazine Limited, 2022
Jorge Santos Alves. Cultural Encounters in the Early Modern World: The Case of Portuguese Exoticism in Asia
Francisco Clode. The Island of Madeira in the Routes to the East
Alexandra Curvelo. Nanban Art in Iberia
Samuel Frédéric Luterbacher. Resetting Nanban Lacquerware’s Transpacific Transits
Fernando António Baptista Pereira and José António Falcão. A Bridge between East and West: Indo-Portuguese Art
Maria João Ferreira. ‘To praise it, one need only say it was from China’: Chinese Textiles in Portugal in the Early Modern Period
Maria Antónia Pinto de Matos. From China to Portugal: Export Porcelain’s Earliest Commissions (1500–1644)
Alexandre Nobre Pais. Echoes from Distant Shores: Portuguese Ceramics from the 17th Century
Cinta Krahe. Collecting Ming Porcelain in Spain
Rocío Díaz. Chinese Armorial Porcelain for the Spanish Market
Manuel Parada López de Corselas. Chinese Christian Cloisonné in Spanish Collections
Rui Oliveira Lopes. Asian Art in Portuguese Museums and Private Collections
Jessica Hallett. ‘An Oriental Collector’: Calouste Gulbenkian’s Taste for Arts of the Islamic World and China
Cristina Castel-Branco. The Splendour of the Mughal Garden and Its Impact on Portugal’s Renaissance Gardens
Joanna Ciemińska. Chinese Porcelain ‘Embrechados’ in Portuguese Garden Architecture
Daniel Sastre de la Vega. Nihonga Painters in Spain: The Kokuga So¯saku Kyokai and its Encounter with Spanish Art
Patrick Flores. Fernando Zóbel: A Modernism of Distance