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Dear Hong Kong《鄉港家書》

Global HongKongers

Regular price $360.00

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Program 8 April 2021: Dear Hong Kong Book Launch

- Size: 22 (L) x 30.5 (W) cm

- Binding: Hardcover, 201 pages

- Language: English and Chinese

- Author: Oskar Valles and Aggie Lam

- Publisher: Global HongKongers, 2020

Dear Hong Kong is a photo book about diversity and identity. This first volume is a snapshot of inspiring people from 80 parts of the world who live in Hong Kong and have contributed to our society. It is a tribute to the unique spirit of Asia’s world city in 2020. Come in and let the colourful human stories of Hong Kong touch you.

《鄉港家書》是一本充分展現香港獨有多元文化的相冊。這裡記錄了80個來自不同地方,卻扎根在同一個香港的「異鄉人」的故事,訴說著他們為這城市默默作出的貢獻。我們謹以此書獻給2020年的香港 —— 一個與眾不同的亞洲國際城市。我們被這些故事牽動著心弦,希望讀者也可以像我們一樣,從字裡行間投入書中每個人真摯動容的故事中。