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LB Coasters

Les Beatitudes

Regular price $350.00

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- Size: 90mm diameter

- Material: Wood

- Feature: Set of 4 or Individual / Handmade collage

- Crafted by: Sewing Mothers of Les Beatitudes, Alumnus of Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired

Heritage building is precious inheritance that encompass our history, values and collective memory. Many buildings are often overlooked even though they are around the corner.

We hope our products can connect different social groups to support revitalization of these exquisite buildings and integrate them into the community. Through embracing historical stories of the city, we may continue the legacy and spirit of Hong Kong.

Via heritage buildings, we wish to promote sustainability education with arts and culture. The products are made by craftsmen with visual challenge and grassroot sewing mothers trained by Les Beatitudes.

Haw Par Mansion - Hong Kong Grade One Historic Building.

Haw Par Mansion was built by the Tigar Balm brothers, Aw Boon Haw and Aw Boon Par in 1936. The mansion carries strong Chinese eclectic architectural style and integrated with unique western features. The Magnificent interior is a combination of diverse cultures, such as the imported Italian stained glass, Chinese moon gate and Burmese gold leaf decorations.   

adjacent to the mansion was the renowned Tiger Balm Garden once opened to public. The statues and installations in the garden were to promote Chinese Daoism, Buddhism, moral and ethics. The most extraordinary feature was an elongated wall mural depicting the "Ten Courts of Hell" and the karmic consequences for those who lived in sin. Visit to the garden was one of most unique experiences and collective memory for many people in the city.

In 2009, the private Haw Par Mansion became a Grade One Historic Building. It is now repurposed as Haw Par Music with a new mission to connect community through music, art and education activities. This luxurious private mansion is now open to public.

King Yin Lei - Hong Kong Declared Monument

King Yin Lei Originally named as "Hei Lo," was built on Stubbs Rd in 1937 by Li Po Chun as a gift for his daughter Li Po Lun. The Mansion was sold to Yeo Chei Man family and renamed as King Yin Lei in 1978.

It is a 3 storey high magnificent building overlooking the Victoria Harbour. A veritable palace with dozens of rooms full of beautiful marble mosaic floors, tainted glass, floral pattern terrazzo on balustrades, gilded ceilings, glazed green tiles, and exquisite Chinese motifs. Such excellent design and workmanship for both Chinese and western style is very rare in Hong Kong, truly a masterpiece of that era.

The Mansion is an important landmark in the historical development of Hong Kong as mid-level was not an usual residential location for non-Chinese in the colonial era around 1930s. The appearance of the mansion reflected the rise of Chinese social status within the community. Now it stands as one of the four most outstanding historic mansions of the city and it was made an official Historic Monument by the government in 2008

St Mary's Church - Hong Kong Grade One Historic Building

St Mary's Church was built in 1937 to provide a centre of worship for destitute women and refugees. It was listed as Grade One historic building by the Hong Kong Government in 2009.

The church is situated at the junction of Causeway Bay and Tai Hang. With its red bricks and green tiles, the exterior was designed to resemble a Chinese palace. The front entrance is elevated with grand flights of steps leading to a red colonnaded entrance. The interior also adopted many Chinese elements and motif. This church is one of city's most eclectically styled structure.

For nearly a hundred years, the church has tended the needs to this rapidly developed neighbourhood, it plays a vital role on improving the well-being of the neighbourhood community all these years.