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Home Is Where We Are

National University of Singapore Press

Regular price $215.00

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Program on 20 May 2021: Meet the Author: Home is Where We Are by Wang Gungwu

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- Size: 22.9 (L) x 15.2 (W) cm

- Binding: Hardback, 288 pages

- Language: English

- Author: Wang Gungwu and Margaret Wang

- Publisher: National University of Singapore Press, 2021

Does home have to be a country or a city?... Or is home this house or that? We have been fortunate.... We seemed always to have been home.

Wang Gungwu’s account of his university education in Singapore and the UK, and the early years of his career as an academic in Malaysia capture the excitement, the ambition and the choices of a generation that saw it their responsibility to build the new nations of Southeast Asia.

The exploration of the emotional and intellectual journey towards the formation of an identity, treasured by readers of Wang's Home is Not Here, extends in this volume into an appreciation of love, family life, and the life of the mind. We also see these years from Margaret’s perspective, her own fascinating family story, and her early impressions of this young bearded poet. Wise and moving, this is a fascinating reflection on identity and belonging, and on the ability of the individual to find a place amidst the historical currents that have shaped Asia.

Wang Gungwu, formerly vice chancellor of the University of Hong Kong, is emeritus professor at Australian National University and university professor at the National University of Singapore. He is the author of some 20 books, including Home is Not Here, published by NUS Press.  

Margaret Wang was educated at the University of Malaya, Homerton College, Cambridge, and the Australian National University. She was head of the English Department at the Malayan Teachers College.