Journey to the Last Frontier 淨土之旅

Yunyi Arts and Cultural Communications Association

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-Size: 27 (L) x 35 (W) x 1.5 (H) cm

-Binding: hardcover, 108 pages

-Language: English and Chinese

-Author/Designer: Álvaro Barbosa

-Editor: Chistine Seng Hong-Barbosa

-Translator: Chihong Choi & Chistine Seng Hong-Barbosa

-Publisher: Yunyi Arts and Cultural Communications Association, 2014

This Photography Book is the result from an Artistic expedition to the Antarctic Continent in January 2012, undertaken by the Multimedia Artists Álvaro Barbosa and Victor Gama. The expedition lasted for 10 days in a former oceanographic boat from the 1970's, going to different sites in the Antarctica Peninsula, namely the Nelson Straight, Brown Bluff, Cierva Cove, Danco Island, the Lemaire Straight, Port Lockroy, Hanna Point and the mysterious Deception Island.


During this Expedition, Álvaro Barbosa worked together with Victor Gama collecting video and audio recordings that were used in the pieces "VELA 691" by Gama, premiered in Chicago and performed by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in 2012 and "Journey to the Last Frontier" performed also in 2012 by Gama and Barbosa, at the opening of the Black & White Festival in Porto-Portugal and in 2013 by Barbosa and the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble at the Hong Kong Art Center. In addition to the video and Audio, Álvaro Barbosa collected a selection of Photographs that now result in this Book.


2012年1月,多媒體藝術家 Álvaro Barbosa 和 Victor Gama 勇闖南極,在一艘19世紀70年代用來研究海洋學的船上進行為期十天的藝術破冰之旅,漂流於南極半島,在納爾遜海峽、布朗斷崖、西爾瓦小海灣、丹克島、利瑪海峽、洛克雷港、漢娜角、神秘的迪塞普遜島之間穿插。

旅途中,Barbosa 與 Gama 收集了影片及聲音來製作 Gama  的「VELA 691」,並與世界各地的樂迷分享南極之音。「VELA 691」由芝加哥交響樂團於2012年首演于美國芝加哥;同年,另一佳作「淨土之旅」亦分別由 Barbosa 與 Gama 於葡萄牙波爾圖黑與白音樂節開幕禮及2013年由 Barbosa 與「香港創樂團」於香港藝術中心演出。隨了影片及聲音外, Barbosa 還透過相機捕捉了南極的自然生態,把精美的照片結集成書,與讀者分享這趟藝術探險之旅的豐碩成果。